Tuesday, 28 November 2017

A little more of gothic horror for IHMN

The lasts days I was really tired to paint gold for my first age elves so I decided to paint total different models that I had. I need to buy some new sprays because I knew to late that they are finished, yes it's that tragic moment when you are glued your dwarves and you realized that the sprays are gone...

Well I painted some gypsies for IHMN. One of my friends started a warband with werewolves so my group needed someone who hunts them and that's me!!

That's one of the aunts

Two first gypsies
I'll use Westwind models because I'm really in love with their Vampire Wars range. I have more gypsies with hand weapons and some with crossbows and a mother. I had one barghest as well so I think that this will be fun to paint and to play.

That's all for now. Hope you like it!



Wednesday, 8 November 2017

New projects and more

Hey people,

This week I'm really exited because finally I received the Frostgreve: Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter from Annie.

I made the first read and I can say that is what I exactly expected about it! It's a wonderful book full of character and really really nice art on it! If you like Frostgrave, you'll love this new game.

With my Nickstarter I added Eva the pirate Queen (my new Heritor) and Leif giant iguana. The serpent guy will be used as Warden for now. The treasure tokens are the greatest I've ever seen and it's perfect for this game or for any kind of marker for any pulp game or for IHMN.

The other new adquisition was the new dwarves for the Oathmark game. They are one of my favorites plastic dwarves. I have some projects in mind with them. The first, of course, they will be part of my Blood Eagle project as Nogrod and Belegost dwarves. And something more...

I said that I love these plastic dwarves but the metal ones are just perfect. I picked up the command pack with the horn blower, the king and the wizard and they are amazing. The one exclusive from the preorder it's a nice looking to the past dwarves that all of us loved so much,

So, as you see, this week it's a freak-happy week and that gives me more work to glue and paint but it's no so bad.

Have a nice day :)


Saturday, 4 November 2017

Blood Eagle: first age progress

The lasts days I was able to finish the conversions for my Nargothrond army and painted a couple of models. I painted Huan, Húrin and Túrin too. For now I made the stats for Nargothrond, Túrin's outlaws, the tower of Sauron and Doriath.

I need to test that stats but I think that the most important part is to have fun and I didn't creat powerful heroes, just gave them some interesting traits and tried to represent some of their skills.

So, for now, I have Finrod, 12 elves of Nargothrond conversion (3 sword, 1 axe, 4 spears, 4 bows), Beleg, Thingol conversion, 11 wood elves(GW plastic ones form LOTR range), Sauron conversion, some converted orcs and wolves, Húrin and his men(rohirrim), Túrin, Mîm the dwarf and the outlaws(rangers of Middle Earth). With this figures we can play a saga that we are planning.

Huan and Beren





elf warrior with sword

elf warrior with sword

elf warrior with axe

elf warrior with axe

elf warrior with axe

Hope you like it,


Sunday, 22 October 2017

Beleg Cúthalion and Finrod Felagund

After show you my progress in the conversions of Finrod and a Nargothrond warrior, today I'll show you my progress.

This is the Finrod model finished. I paint him with the colours of my Last Alliance elves to use him with the LOTR SBG and Blood Eagle. The heraldry of the shield is one I found in the Internet and I thought that was a nice one to go with this great character.

 This one is Beleg Cúthalion, the best hunter of his time. I painted the bow with a very dark brown to represent Belthronding. I opted for a normal sword because Anglachel will be a magical sword and this will made Beleg as a too overpowered character in game terms(BE).

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

First Age characters

I know, I know I told you that I painted a lot of LOTR models and it's true, but I need to varnish and base them so I don't upload it till they are finished.

Today I'll show you my WIP in the First Age elves for Blood Eagle. As a base models I used Warriors of Minas Tirith with heads and swords from the Last Alliance elves. I add some cloacks and some feathers to the helmets of the Athenean warriors from Victrix to give them some ancient Greece flavor.

This is a warrior, I need to made some more for the warband. I want to made different weapon options to see the difference between the different elven realms (Nargothrond, Doriath, Gondolin and Ossiriand). That particular one is from Nargothrond:

The axe give him personality 

I wanted a dynamic pose so I put the face looking to a enemy 

This cloth in the shield gives him a different look froom the MT warriors

This next WIP is Finrod Felagund, lord of Nargothrond. It's one of my favorite elven characters so I wanted him. He will have a list for him and Nargothrond warriors but I'll put them in the Beren list too. I'm pretty pleased with him. I just need to do a proper base and some touches to the armour and shield.

These two models are just to try some things. As a result you'll see that sculpt the cloack, and in general, it's not my stronger point lol but I'm pretty satisfied with the results. 

The guy on the left was my first attempt in Túrin Turambar (yes, I have many), the left one is a warrior from Gondolin

My next steps is decide which flavor I give to the other cities and the men. For the mens of house Hador or Beor I want to use some rohirrim on foot. For Doriath and Ossiriand I'll use wood elves from the LOTR range with different colour scheme.                                                                          

Hope you like it!                                                                                                                                 



Sunday, 15 October 2017

LOTR and Silmarillion figures

Morning all!!

After a long time I'm back!!!

The lasts months I was working with LOTR models so the nexts days you'll see a lot of these.

I made two conversions. The first one is one of my favorites characters of the Silmarillion, the most tragic one I think, Túrin Turambar

Túrin Turambar, a simple conversion with a rohan warrior, a GB arm and elven helm.
The other conversion is another of my favourites characters, Beren. With de cover art of the last Tolkien book of Beren and Lúthien I started to think how to make him. I used a rohirrim warrior again with a galadhrim Knight head with a GB arm.
The inspiration for my Beren conversion and color scheme

 Finally, This is my test miniature for my haradrim army. I think that is a good one with the contrasts of red and pink/purple over grey and gold.

 Hope you like it!



Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Pulp and Sci-Fi

Hi everyone!

This lasts weeks my friends and I had a crazy idea: we want to have a small sci-fi pulp supplement for IHMN (just want to add some weapons, warbands and some new complications for the scenarios).

For that reason we made a search in pulp magazine covers to find inspiration and these are my first miniatures:
A feral female lost in a planet, she has lots of beasts to follow her!

Rocket Corps captain, the good guys

Space detective or Spy  
Hope you like it!



Monday, 15 May 2017


Hi everyone!

This lasts weeks I was thinking in my objectives and I'm sad to say that for the moment I abandon Bolt Action for the moment. The last months my game group is just playing IHMN and Blood Eagle so I decided to paint all my companies and start a hundred more...

Here you have some of the projects.

An inquisitor with her Knights of St. John and swiss guards

The born of a Chinese Tong

Captain Napier and Dr. wilson

a lone mercenary, his companions will arrive soon
in the next weeks I hope to share some new things :)

Hope you enjoy it.



Sunday, 9 April 2017

Retro-Future or Nuka girl

Today I'll show you my first complete miniature sculped with a mix of Green and Brown Stuff. The head of the model and her hands are from the Female survivors set from Warlord Games. I know that is very basic and with some mistakes but I learned a lot and I think that this will made my nexts projects better (fingers crossed!!).

For that model I've been inspired by this two pics:
Dan Morton's art is allways an inspiration!
Nuka Cola girl from the Fallout saga
And the girl herself: to much busty, some mistakes in her pants...

Her back with that rocket(??) bag
 As you see, the sculpt and the paint are very basic but I'm pretty satisfied with it!!

Hope you like it and see you soon!!



Monday, 20 February 2017

A nordic cold is coming...

These lasts weeks I can't update nothing because my real life consumes more than usual but it doesn't mean that I don't find any time for the hobby. 
I really love the Elder's Scroll saga so i thought that would be great create some warbands for Blood Eagle. Why Blood Eagle? Because if you want some mythological vikings (oh, Skyrim!) or some dark ages action thats the perfect ruleset and I'm really in love with it!! So, here we have my Skyrim based warband for Blood Eagle and Frostgrave:

Nordic Adventurer(BE) or Knight(FG)

General and Legate(BE) or Captain and Thief(FG)

Mage of Winterhold and Legion Mage (BE) or Mage and Aprentice(FG)

Legionary archers

Some legionaries

I create the rules for use them and the Stormcloaks in Blood Eagle and soon I'll share with you!

Anyway, here we have a little advance on a new project for a Blood Eagle campaign (saga) based on the mythological nordic world. This guy will lead some nordics into glory or to Valhalla!

That's all for today, hope you like it.

